Tuesday, January 22, 2008

sometimes things are eerie..
i havent been able to hear out of my right ear since october..
i stopped eating dairy for a month and have gone to the doctor, tried a few antibiotics, tried the hot onion, garlic and mullen oil, olive and garlic oil, and tried hot and cold compresses, .. ive dug through my deeper thoughts and emotions trying to discover the truths ive not been wanting to "hear"-and ive listened intently and searched patiently for the hidden meanings of each conversation-ive heard my own voice trapped inside my head and gotten used to it-- like being near sighted, having narrow hearing has it's benefits--
sure, i can put glasses on when i want to drive- and i can focus on my hands when i dont want to be distracted by the goings on twenty feet away. I appreciate things close at hand- and am distracted by things in the distance-
my new mantra, perhaps?
things close at hand
am distracted
in the distance.
this moment-
the best indeed.... and yet impossible to enjoy while holding thoughts of the present or the past..
my voice- so valid and real-
worth hearing..
i am am worth hearing...
there's a part of me that sees this medical dilemma (it is a bit worrisome that i cant hear out of my right ear) as a gift- i can hear myself and also feel trapped within me. Which are both good things- there was a long while that i didnt really listen to myself- and to feel trapped is the exact sensation i had stopped myself from feeling before- i held myself back from feeling alot of things--except anxiety- (anxiety always finds me when i'm most vulnerable..) i am seeing now that feeling trapped is exactly what gives me anxiety... and if i'm not letting myself feel the sensations of truly knowing the difference between living a free life and living as a prisoner- how how will i ever really be free? i have to feel these things out...out of the darkness.. out of fear.... out of poverty.... out of insecurity.... out of weaknesses.... out of disease.... out of exhaustion.... have to feel my way into the light, loving, rich, strong, healthy, rested, state of being myself.

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